It has been said that: "Video is what the eye sees and film is what the mind sees." So, if you want gritty realism stay with video at 50 (or 60 NTSC) frames per second, but for that dreamy, other-world look, only film's 24fps will do.
It is not just the frame rate that means video doesn't look like film, the colour, gamma, contrast range and grain are also different. So, if you want the film look, why even start with video? Not surprisingly, the main reason is money. It is a lot cheaper to shoot on video and then up-convert your production, giving it that film look, and perhaps even outputting to film.
Whether you go for High Definition like George Lucas for the next instalment of Star Wars or can only afford a Canon XL1s, there are ways of getting the film look with video to suit your budget....